Our members come from varied backgrounds and have diverse work experiences. Stern PE & VC Club works to connect private equity and venture capital firms to its members. It partners with firms every year to hold a wide variety of events. These are some of the opportunities available to recruit at NYU Stern:

Job Postings

The NYU Stern’s MBA Office of Career Development has a dedicated relationship management team for private equity and venture capital. Their contact information is:

Sasha Rosenberg

Associate Director, Relationship Management

Email: sasha.rosenberg@stern.nyu.edu

Resume Books

The Stern Private Equity & Venture Capital Club prepares resume books for first and second-year NYU Stern MBA students. To request a copy of the resume book please contact pevc.stern@gmail.com

Career Treks

The Stern Private Equity & Venture Capital Club organizes several Career Treks during the academic year. Career Treks provide an excellent opportunity for students to get close to private equity and venture capital firms, meet investment professionals and recruiters to network with potential summer interns and full-time hires. If you are interested in participating in one of our Career Treks, please contact pevc.stern@gmail.com


The Stern Private Equity & Venture Capital Club prepares a weekly newsletter for first and second-year NYU Stern MBA students. To receive the newsletter, or to advertise a job posting in the newsletter, please contact pevc.stern@gmail.com